Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Irving Jailed

THIS is something that I really wish had not happened! I know that in yesterdays post I said that I have no time for such people and that I "in fact would actively campaign to shut them up"; that might have come across as meaning that I wanted such people locked up. I confess to not having chosen my words properly, and consequently did not make my thoughts totally clear; I was trying to say that I would actively campaign to prevent such obnoxious people having a platform to promote their vile message.

So, Irving has been jailed, and as I say it is something that I wish had not happened; all this has done is to make a martyr of someone who is a leading exponent of this vile message. It has given him the publicity that he, and those who think like him, are constantly seeking, and this is exactly what we should be denying them; it is far more effective to ignore such people than to pander to them and give them what they want.

This also links, albeit indirectly, into something that BondWoman brought attention to yesterday, another vile messgage that is being voiced by The Brussels Journal. I am not sure which is worse, the denial of the Holocaust, or the use of the Holocaust to promote a vile anti-Muslim rant! I am a great supporter of the freedom of speech and abhor any infringements of it, especially when they are as stupid as this blogged by Will Howells; but I have no time for the messages being promoted by Irving or the BJ, in fact I think that what is to be found on the BJ is, in many ways, far worse than the Danish Cartoons, as it is actually putting the anti-Muslim message into words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Irving has succeeded to get exactly what he wanted. Everyone is talking about him.

What we should have done (as we should with all nutcases and liars) is to have greeted his warped ranting with a huge wall of silence.

I hate the fact that fools like this are held up as examples for freedom of speech. Yes, he is free to say whatever he wants but we are free to ignore him.

Thursday, February 23, 2006  
Blogger BondBloke said...

I completely agree with you deviousdiva, ig noring someone like Irving is the best thing we can do, it will get right up the nose of the attention seeking nonentity...

Thursday, February 23, 2006  
Blogger BondBloke said...

It's difficult, on the one hand we don't want to give him the publicity he seeks, and on the other we don't want to lower ourselves to his level and giv him the opportunity for yet more publicity by crying that he is being denied civil liberties etc.. Pe4rsonally I think he shouldnot have been jailed but very publicly kicked out of Austria with a blaze of indignation to accompany it, and made to look the idiot that he very obviously is...

Thursday, February 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bondbloke, good point, "made to look the idiot that he very obviously is"

Very few people are shouting about what an idiot the guy is. All they go on about is the freedom of speech thing.

The only publicity he's going to get from me is this... David Irving is a liar and an idiot. Followed by this...

Thursday, February 23, 2006  
Blogger BondBloke said...

Well said deviousdiva, he will get no more publicity from me othber than to expose him as a total and complete idiot!

Thursday, February 23, 2006  

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