Monday, April 17, 2006

Farewell Dear Friends

This will be BondBlokes last post! I have decided to bow gracefully out of this blog as I have become totally bored by the loonies who inhabit cyberspace; and the biggest bunch of these are those who wave the English flag over at The Cross of St George! Their idea of a reasoned debate is to wade in with abuse and insults, accusing people of being racists, morons, dickheads etc. etc. and only when their remarks are turned back on them do they plead for a reasoned debate; well if there are morons in cyberspace they are doing a very good job of proving it. As I say, I have become totally bored with the whole thing and feel that I have nothing constructive to contribute here, and have other more interesting projects that I want to engage myself in; at least more interesting that fending off loonies who can't even be bothered to think before opening their big mouths. This will not be then end of my involvement in this blog, as I am sure that the other members will continue to pester me to do the day to day management of the blogroll etc., but as soon as I can train BondWoman I will even be handing that over to her.


Blogger BondWoman said...

We're sorry to see you go!

Monday, April 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry to hear that. Are you sure? Isn't there any way of moderating comments for a while to get them off your back and then coming back? Where are the comments by these trolls? Are you spending your whole time deleting them and having no time to write the way you want to? Sorry you feel that way. And sorry that it has all become too overwhelming (I have been so close) You have to do what you have to do but don't let them win. I don't mean carry on regardless, I mean don't let them get to you, to stop you doing all the things you want to do.I will be checking back here anyway. Is there anything anyone else can do to help? Take care. Take a break. Put your feet up. Have a pint (or a cup of tea) and I wish you well. Your blog friend DD

Monday, April 17, 2006  
Blogger QuakerDave said...

Oh, for Pete's sake (my dad used to say this, so don't ask), please reconsider. I feel like I was just getting to know you. We have had this conversation: the loonies don't deserve the right to get anyone down. Not to put any sort of guilt trip on you, but, if you quit, they win. The bad guys win.

Think it over. Take a break for a week, and then...


Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm also sorry to hear you are leaving but I agree with Quakerdave. If they make you leave then they have won. If it is the comments that make you leave, then go back to moderating them... take the fun out of it for them, so they can't just post and watch you react.
Anyway, that said, all the best....

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
Blogger BondWoman said...

Dear Readers...I have spoken further with BondBloke and at the moment he appears impervious to all our appeals. Keep up the pressure....

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
Blogger J.J said...

Oh no! Please don't stop writing Bond Bloke. I do understand I think how you feel. Someone who has read my blog has it in for me so badly that they are currently trying to ruin my life (believe me, I wish I was exaggerating)...but morons and sad vicious individuals are just a tiny minority. You are an excellent an lively writer. Don't let racist scum drive you away.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
Blogger BondBloke said...

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for their kind comments, and support. Secondly, I would like to add that I am not giving up blogging. Thirdly an explanation of my decision; at Bondbloke I am a part of a team of bloggers (I am not really a team player) and as such anything I write has an impact on them, and they don't really agree with some of my whackier viewpoints, even though they tolerate them. In the short time since I set up BondBloke (mid Jan) it has, I think, become moderately successful, and I do not want to jeopardise any growth of that success. The problem is that as part of a team I have to think carefully about my views instead of following my instinct which is to launch straight into a rant which will really stir up the loonies; I think that maybe I can do this better as an individual blogger where it affects only me, and has no impact on others. Since making my decision public last night I have been thinking about that decision, and as far as I am concerned at this point in time the comments are like water off a ducks back; that is now that I have got over the initial anger and feeling of being personally attacked, so it is not so much the comments that have made me take this decision even though that is part of it from the point of view of the good of the blog. I will remain a part of BondBloke, although in the background mantaining the smooth running of the blog from a technical point of view.

Ok response to the personal stuff:

BondWoman - why would I take any notice of you anyway I never have in the past!

RoadRunner - I do not respond to blackmail, keep on blogging the quality stuff that you do so well, and if you quit I will ensure that you get a real ear bashing!

DeviousDiva - it is not so much a matter of gettng them off my back as it is being able to get in there and mix it with them, something I can't really do as part of a team. As I said to RoadRunner, keep on blogging the great stuff that you do, for God's sake don't follow my lead. Most of the stuff was from the nasties at The Cross of St. George, although it was not so much the comments as the fact that the 'merchant bankers' put one of my email addresses on their forum, since which time I have been inundate with spam! It is the team thing which really prevents me writing what I want to write. I think it was a bit too late to "have a pint" as I was at the bottom end of a bottle of decent white... Fear not I will be back!

QuakerDave - I am determined that they are not going to win (I am a stubborn old git) I want to move the goal posts a little so that I can deal with them on my own terms; probably armed with rocket launchers and flame throwers...

Anonymous - I have come to the decision overnight that moderating comments would be taking the fun out of it for me; and I have decided that I want some fun, I want to be able to deal with such matters without having to think about the other blog members. So, watch this space3 so to speak...

Jane - sorry to hear that you are suffering because of your blog, which is excellent and really sets me up for the day; keep it up don't let them get to you. Thanks for your vote of confidence, but I think that my writing might just get a little livlier from here on in... The "racist scum" bhas best be honing their wits!

Cliff - thanks for the comment, which I agree with. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, especially some of my more extreme ideas (like advocating hanging for parking on a double yellow line); I mean if everyone agreed with everyone else it would indeed be a boring world.

Anyway enough already, this is becoming a blog in itself and if I have missed anyone my apologies as your comments probably came in after I started to write this...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
Blogger michael the tubthumper said...

sorry to see you bow out

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
Blogger Martyn said...


As someone who has more than once decided to throw the towel in and then come back again after a brief lay-off I totally understand how you feel. As someone who probably has a very similar working life to yourself , the immediacy of the blogging can take a bit of getting used to, particularly when you get cornered by nutcases. My advice, for what it's worth (not much), would be to have a lay-off for a few weeks. As regards the COSG lot, I have had a run-in myself with them in the past when I was involved in the whole regional devolution debate a few years ago. We even got nasty threatening phonecalls from an ex-pat patriotic Englishman. It all got extremely wearing.
Keep going, your posts have the distinctive, at times off-the-wall but always entertaining take on life of the Cornish which I really appreciate ! The blogging world needs more of your kind not less.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
Blogger skipper said...

Consensus seems to be that if you throw in the towel the 'crazies' have won- but I think you'll be back as this blogging stuff is really quite addictive.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  
Blogger BondWoman said...

In the short term I have linked "Numptie's" new blog from the Blog under the category of "Bondish" blogs, which really are a pretty mixed bunch. We'll do our best to keep things going here...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006  

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