Sunday, March 18, 2007


It's hard for me to claim to be a 'proper' blogger, having committed so few of my thoughts to this website over the last few months. While sometimes it all seems a chore, at other points - like this weekend - it certainly seems worthwhile. Having met Pat the Chooks at the Glasgow Blogmeet some time ago, BB and I were delighted to receive a 'royal visit' from PTC and Her Maj this weekend. It was a hectic 36 hours or so, fuelled by a fair amount of alchohol and food, but taking in also visits to galleries, the watching of a modicum of rugby, some listening to a jazz trio, much intense discussion and a fair amount of fun. A great weekend all told. Collapsed into an armchair this afternoon, to be entertained by the newspapers and the not terribly welcome news that Brian Souter on the pro-Clause 28 campaign fame has donated money to the SNP to fight the May elections, to follow the England/Canada World Cup match online, and to watch most of the Hibs/Killie CIS Cup Final. Hibs are our local team and we keep meaning to go and see them. We will soon. And I will blog again properly. Soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you back, if briefly!

Souter is a rascal and a bigot and the SNP ought to know better than to take money from him. Sadly they're desperate for the money. I just hope that - if SNP form part of the new Executive - he will not interfere with any aspect of policy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007  

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